Breckenridge Colorado Real Estate – Real Estate of the Summit

Smart Bus System

Smart Bus SystemThe Smart Bus System will take Summit County to the next technological level this season, providing riders with location tracking and passenger counting systems!  The new program is expected to be running by the beginning of December, with additional features in place by New Years.

The new development was created by DoubleMap, the company responsible for creating intelligent transportation solutions for different corporations, university systems, airports and hospitals.  The hardware is currently in place to get the new system up and running, yet the app development is still in the works.

This winter, riders will be able to track the Smart Bus System through their mobile devices by means of a smartphone app or the more traditional method, a website address. Passengers can track busses on a real time map to view locations and route information in order to better plan their departures.

“This is a huge step forward, I think,” Summit County transit board chair Kent Willis said.  “The sooner we have it, the better the guests, especially the out-of-town guests, are going to do.  Having it by New Years or Christmas-time would be best.”

The Smart Bus System will also feature a passenger counting system to determine how full busses are, at which times of the day and on specific routes.  This new feature will assist Summit Stage in the future when creating additional bus schedules and pick up times.

In the future, an automated voice announcement at stops along with a location LED name sign will clear up confusion for riders.  Drivers are currently announcing the stops or communicating with passengers in regards to which stop they may need.

For those individuals that do not own smartphones, the Smart Bus System is also planning on adding a texting feature to the development later this year.  Texts will estimate the time of arrival, as well as the current location of each bus in Summit County!

For more information about the Summit Stage Smart Bus System, please visit their website at

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